2010年9月5日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100906

Twelve Spies

W1  2010-09-06 (申1:1-1:46)

經文: 申命記 1:42 耶和華吩咐我說:你對他們說:不要上去,也不要爭戰;因我不在你們中間,恐怕你們被仇敵殺敗了。
題目: 從何烈山經過西珥山到加低斯巴尼亞有十一天路程,以色列人卻用了四十年十一個月的時間,你對此有何感想呢?

6 則留言:

  1. The reason why the Israelites spent around forty years, much longer than it took, to arrive at the promised land was their rebellion against the Lord. They didn’t follow His commands or live the life that He was pleased with.

    Sometimes we insist on going our own way. Then God will make our life more difficult or painful. Yet it is a hard lesson to learn to be an obedient child, who is fully pious to Father.

  2. 大家平安


  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    It needs to take a long time to make someone to really believe one thing from his mind. Especially, he did not believe it in the beginning. God can spend 40 years for Israel people to believe his promise. The problem is how long I can stand to wait for God? If I cannot find the promise land, I will give up or keep believing this promise? If I need to fight with giant enemy, could I have the courage? May Lord help me to firm up my faith without any hesitation.


  4. 人生有些繞道是難以避免的,因為人性的軟弱存在。

  5. Dear All, Peng An,

    It needs to take a long time to make someone to really believe one thing from his mind. Especially, he did not believe it in the beginning. God can spend 40 years for Israel people to believe his promise. The problem is how long I can stand to wait for God? If I cannot find the promise land, I will give up or keep believing this promise? If I need to fight with giant enemy, could I have the courage? May Lord help me to firm up my faith without any hesitation.


  6. 不能憑著自己的聰明才智,而是要專心倚賴上帝.


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