2010年12月5日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101208

Building City Wall of Jerusalem

W3  2010-12-08 (尼3:1-4:23)

經文: 尼希米記 3:1 那時,大祭司以利亞實和他的弟兄眾祭司起來建立羊門,分別為聖,安立門扇,又築城牆到哈米亞樓,直到哈楠業樓,分別為聖。

默想: 尼希米帶領被擄歸回的以色列人重建耶路撒冷城牆時,大祭司帶頭建造羊門,並且分別為聖,也築城牆。求主幫助我,當和平教會領受上帝的恩典,重建聖殿的時候,讓我也能夠同時帶領和平教會所有長執會友,在我們的日常生活中,重新建造為主作見證、榮耀天父的城牆。求主幫助我,從自己的生活開始建造。

題目: 尼希米在重建耶路撒冷城牆時,遭遇到四周敵人那些攻擊呢?

3 則留言:

  1. When the wall was being rebuilt, Sanballat ridiculed the Jews, and Tobiah the Ammonite despised the laborers. Along with the Arabs, the Ammonites and the men of Ashdod, they plotted together to stir up trouble. Besides, the people in Judah and some Jews showed insufficient confidence in the completion of the task, which would strongly discourage the morale.

    But however tough the task would be, as long as the laborers worked with their heart, the Lord would surely frustrate their enemies’ plot (Ne 4:15) and fight for them (4:20).

  2. 大家平安


  3. Dear All, Ping An:

    "They will not know or see till we come into the midst of them and kill them and stop the work."

    The process of rebuilding the relationship with God is not always smooth. It will suffer lots of attacks from the world. The most terrible attack is to impact the rebuilding process by silence. No one can know or see this attack and stop the rebuilding work by himself. One solution is to become a group to make up the blind sides from others. May Lord help me to be a member of one group to help myself and others against the attacks from the world.



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