2010年12月5日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101209

Deceiving Charm and Fleeting Beauty

W4  2010-12-09 (箴31:1-31:31)

經文: 箴言 31:10 才德的婦人誰能得著呢?他的價值遠勝過珍珠。
默想: 親愛的主啊!但願和平教會每一位姐妹都成為才德的婦人,但願和平教會每一位弟兄都能夠從心裡尊重並珍惜每一位姐妹,遠勝過珍珠。
題目: 你對於本段經文中有關才德女性之描述有何感想呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安




  2. A wife of noble character is clothed with strength and dignity and can laugh at the days to come (Pr 31:25). It is not easy show strength but still remain dignified. The woman must be optimistic enough to face any challenges to come.

    She speaks with wisdom and considers charm deceptive (31: 26, 31). Beauty is only skin deep. What she values will be highly rewarded and praised by the Lord.

  3. Dear All, Ping An:

    "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

    To understand the value of our wife is very important for marrage. Because we have to know our wife is the best wife in the world. So, she cannot be replaced by other women. To keep this faith, our wife will become more and more beautiful in our mind. Thanks Lord to give me what a best and invaluable wife with countless helps in my life.


  4. 男人真的是"出一隻嘴",坐在城門口跟長老聊天,老婆就作牛作馬張羅好一切,讓老爺安安心心去聊天,才德兼俱,哪個男人能有這種能耐?!所以啊!男人才會從女人出生,一生都得依靠女人囉!說到這裡,不禁要說!老婆,謝謝妳,辛苦了!


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