In Search of My Beloved
經文: 雅歌 5:6 我給我的良人開了門;我的良人卻已轉身走了。他說話的時候,我神不守舍;我尋找他,竟尋不見;我呼叫他,他卻不回答。
默想: 這段經文讓我看到把握時機 (kairos)的重要性。在愛的互動當中,彼此的主觀感受與內心動機,似乎有一定的時機,在那個時機當中,是我們預備好要向對方表現我們的滿懷愛意。但是,當那個時機溜逝之後,那個熱情與感動就會消失了。求主幫助我,學會對於對方目前的情緒與感動,有敏感的察覺力,並且能夠把握這個金玉良辰,作出恰當的回應,以勉造成彼此溝通上面的障礙與挫折。
題目: 你對於此段經文中,所羅門王與書拉密女對於彼此的身體的欣賞與讚美有何感想呢?
Solomon praised the body parts of Shu'lammite in detail. He even showed off by saying, “This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem” (So 5:16). His vivid descriptions reveal that he had keen observations and focused all his attention on the lady.
回覆刪除The lady was treated as a beloved and as a friend. The feeling of love and friendship sometimes is hard to be separable ultimately when one is truly whole-hearted.