2011年2月13日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 110218

Yahweh Hates Domestic Violence

W5  2011-02-18 (瑪1:1-2:17)

經文: 瑪拉基書 1:6 「藐視我名的祭司啊,萬軍之耶和華對你們說:兒子尊敬父親,僕人敬畏主人;我既為父親,尊敬我的在那裡呢?我既為主人,敬畏我的在那裡呢?你們卻說:『我們在何事上藐視你的名呢?』

默想: 祭司本來是蒙耶和華特別揀選,專職帶領以色列人來敬拜侍奉耶和華。但是很遺憾的,祭司卻失去了對於耶和華的敬愛與敬畏,甚至藐視耶和華的名。求主幫助我,讓我一生都尊你


2 則留言:

  1. “A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the Lord Almighty (Malachi 1:6). God must be disappointed because He doesn’t receive the respect He deserves from His people.

    What’s worse, His people do not know what’s wrong with them. They ask, “How have you loved us? (1:2) How have we shown contempt for your name? (1:6)” They also feel reluctant to give offerings with reverence, saying, “What a burden! (1:13)”

    Therefore, we should often reflect on ourselves whether we honor the Lord from the bottom of our heart and whether we consider Him more supreme than our father or our master.

  2. 大家平安



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