2008年4月26日 星期六

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080429

W2 2008-04-29 (太13:31-14:21)

經文: 馬太福音 13:33 他又對他們講個比喻說:天國好像麵酵,有婦人拿來,藏在三斗麵裡,直等全團都發起來。

默想: 求主幫助我,願意被祢差遣,進入祢要我服侍的人群中,產生潛移默化的影響力,並且願意忍耐等候聖靈的工作,直到主的愛充滿全部的人群。

題目: 藏在地裡的寶貝與在市場被找到的珍珠之間有何異同?

4 則留言:

  1. 草戊尚土 牧師,平安:



    曾經在跳蚤市場找到寶貝的 卯同學 上

  2. 異:一個是巧遇的情況下發現,一個是專心努力的尋找。

  3. 不管是寶貝或珍珠,都提到"變賣一切所有的"才能得到,可見信主之後,要變賣的東西(要改變的事)不是只有一二件,而是所有的(性情'價值觀'習慣...),一時半刻應該是辦不到的(說我自己啦),但只要繼續記得"寶貝"的價值,就會甘心繼續變賣(改變),直到那日,可以得著...

  4. Dear 卯,
    It was very interesting that we could interpret the same parable in two opposite ways. The pearl represented us or our Lord? Who was paying the high cost to purchase this pearl?

    I thought this was a very interesting example to teach us to be more humble and flexible in our own interpretation of the Bible. Sometimes if a group of people could form a discussion group to share their personal interpretation of the Bible, and to learn from one another, then a so-called "The Hermeneutic Circle" would be formed, and the truth might reveal itself to this group of people through the process of mutual sharing and mutual correction...

    Dear Anonymous, Peng An,
    I liked your quotation of Philippian 3:8. I thought this was an excellent example of "interpreting the scripture with other scripture"

    Dear JBC, Peng An,
    Nice interpretation of this term 變賣. Actually you are interpreting "selling" with "changing". I wonder whether in the original Greek we could find such meaning. But in Chinese, we could interpret it this very interesting way. May be we could not do this in English. But, anyway, I would take this as a valid way of doing homiletic. The application interpretation of the scripture. Good work.


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