Dear JBC, Mou, and Pomelo, It seemed that we had four members enjoying our sharing and discussion in our daily devotional club. For me, claiming that this is the land given to us by God seemed to be very absolute and non-negotiable. Such kind of claiming that this is what God gives to me seemed to me very bigotry and tyranny. This kind of claiming was bordering upon idolatry. Just want to share with you my personal feeling against such kind of absolute claiming...
嗯...看過一本書叫做Blood brother之後,對以色列人得"應許之地"有了不太一樣的感覺,只是還說不上來(還沒有完整的想法)...
回覆刪除那是有關以色列復國的事,約書亞記的時代,迦南地的居民幾乎都是拜偶像的,所以他們被驅逐或被殲滅,看起來好像比較"合理",但1948年以色列復國時,巴勒斯坦地區,其實已經有不少"基督徒",有些還打開大門迎接以色列人"回來",稱他們為blood brother,未料緊接在後的是坦克車,許多巴勒斯坦人(包括基督徒)失去家園...
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
還有很多要學的 卯同學 上
Dear JBC, Mou, and Pomelo,
回覆刪除It seemed that we had four members enjoying our sharing and discussion in our daily devotional club.
For me, claiming that this is the land given to us by God seemed to be very absolute and non-negotiable. Such kind of claiming that this is what God gives to me seemed to me very bigotry and tyranny. This kind of claiming was bordering upon idolatry.
Just want to share with you my personal feeling against such kind of absolute claiming...