2008年5月4日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080509

W5 2008-05-09 (賽15:1-17:14)

經文: 以賽亞書 17:7-8 當那日,人必仰望造他們的主,眼目重看以色列的聖者。他們必不仰望祭壇,就是自己手所築的,也不重看自己指頭所做的,無論是木偶是日像。

默想: 親愛的上帝!求你教導我,不要仰望信靠自己的成就,而是仰望信靠造我的上帝。

題目: 先知以賽亞為摩押遭神審判而哀哭,你對此有何感想?

5 則留言:

  1. 草戊尚土 牧師,平安:



    覺得要去愛一個你痛恨的人.....真是不容易的 卯同學 上

  2. Dear Mou, Peng An,
    You are the most persistent and consistent member of our club. Keep on this good effort.
    I would also like to encourage both JBC and Pomelo, though I know that all three of you must be very busy taking care of your family and job.
    I think forgive must come first before we could learn to empathize our enemies, then we might learn how to bless them....

  3. 補交作業



  4. Dear Dr. Mao, Peng An,

    For me, I think your weekly answer and teaching is the best reward. I enjoyed it and gained a lot from it. Thanks for your effort to reply our questions. Thanks!

    May God bless us and our club.

    Freshman Mr. Mou

  5. Dear JBC and Mou, Peng An,
    In reality, I learned much from your comments and sharing. Thanks very much for joining this daily devotional club.

    This club also help me in my personal daily devotion, and in the interactions of our club memebers, an accountability was created among us, which would help each and every one of us to maintain our daily dating with our dear Lord.

    In Chinese we say, "Thi The" (體貼), the English word might be considerate. This was a very good concept in interpersonal relationship. Actually in the daily devotion of 080513, Peter was criticized by Jesus Christ as to be considerate to the flesh, not considerate with the spirit.


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