2008年10月5日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 081006

W1 2008-10-06 (創41:1-41:36)
經文: 創世紀 41:16 約瑟回答法老說:這不在乎我,神必將平安的話回答法老。

默想: 親愛的主!約瑟已經學會在凡事上認定上帝的帶領與恩典。求主也幫助我,在凡事上也能夠學習認定上帝的作為與恩典。

題目: 你對上帝藉著夢啟示法老王的事件有何感想?

4 則留言:

  1. 我覺得埃及在神的計畫當中似乎是特別的,亞伯拉罕'約瑟,甚至主耶穌都曾經到埃及得到庇護.



  2. 草戊尚土 牧師,平安:

    約瑟在幫法老王解夢時,他其實已經三十歲了(創41:46),距離他被兄長陷害那年已隔了十三年(創37:2), 神在這段他作奴隸及獄卒的十三年磨練他,累積他的智慧也賜他解夢的能力,神很奇妙的先藉由膳長及酒政的夢,以及兩年後法老王的夢來成就約瑟,而這夢卻是出於 神的計畫。


    卯同學 敬上

  3. 對於不認識神的人,神也會透過他成就事工。但似乎只有認識神的人,才能知道這是祂的作為。

  4. Dear all, Peng An,
    Dreaming is a very interesting and fascinating human phenomenon. Many scholars tried to decipher the significance and meaning of our dreams.
    Bible also has its own theological interpretations on human dreaming. Two Josephs in both the Old Testament and the New Testament experienced special dreams as supernatural revelation from God. Pharaoh of the Egyptian Kingdom also had dreams from God, yet he didn't know how to decipher and interpret these dreams.
    So evidently, interpretation of the dream seemed to be more important than having the dreams.
    Recently, some charismatic churches had also emphasized the importance of having and interpreting the dreams.


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