2009年2月2日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090203

W2 2009-02-03 (路16:1-17:21)

經文: 路加福音 16:8

默想: 求主幫助我,能夠謙卑的從不義的管家與今世之子身上,學會寶貴的屬靈功課,同時又能夠保守自己,不被他們同化。

題目: 你對不義管家的故事有何感想?

5 則留言:

  1. We, the people of this world, are all God’s managers. The parable tells us that if we cannot fulfill the duties as the manager, God will discharge us from everything we deserve. What we can take charge of in the world include not only wealth or property but also our gifts, health, time, and opportunities. Yet, we are only the manager, not the master. In the end, we all have to give an account of our management to God. Whatever we do is detestable in God’s sight, so we should not behave like this shrewd manager, who was simply concerned about his life under unemployment instead of reflecting on himself or begging for forgiveness. Our Father in Heaven, please teach me to be a wise daughter who can be trusted with very little as well as with much…

  2. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:






    卯同學 敬上

  3. 大家平安



  4. 坦白說,我真的不懂這個故事。
    為什麼一個浪費主人財物的僕人,在主人要他交帳時,他篡改債務人的帳條,主人還誇獎他作事機警?這是反諷嗎?因為他知道主人會辭退他,所以他趕快準備後路? 施惠於人。是這樣嗎?

  5. Dear YiTing, Peng An,
    Steward was a new theological term used to describe this newly found meaning of Genesis 1:26, which was traditionally translated to be dominion.
    You might want to check the following url,


    Dear Mou, Peng An,
    Cleverness could co-exist with Unrighteousness. Jesus taught his disciples to be pure as dove, and shrewd as snake. But, alas, we often took it wrong, we became as dumb as dove, and as evil as snake. How sad!!!

    Dear JBC, Peng An,
    I loved your hermeneutic. Yeah, I was certain that if we were humble enough, we could learn lots of spiritual lessons from non-Christians....

    Dear YuZe, Peng An,
    Yeah, this was one of the most difficult sayings of Jesus Christ. We must know the cultural background of Jesus' era before we could try to decipher the underlying teaching of this parable.


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