W2 2009-07-07 (約16:1-17:19)
經文: 約翰福音 16:2 人要把你們趕出會堂,並且時候將到,凡殺你們的就以為是事奉神。
默想: 親愛的主,當我們自以為是事奉上帝時,我們很可能犯下驅趕上帝子民離開敬拜上帝會堂,甚至於將上帝子民趕盡殺絕的錯誤,還沾沾自喜、自以為是。就像被主耶穌在大馬色光照落馬以前的掃羅一樣。求主幫助我,在立志事奉上帝的同時,也能夠小心避免掃羅所犯的錯誤。
題目: 你對於主耶穌在最後晚餐中與門徒這一段對話的內容有何感觸?
經文: 約翰福音 16:2 人要把你們趕出會堂,並且時候將到,凡殺你們的就以為是事奉神。
默想: 親愛的主,當我們自以為是事奉上帝時,我們很可能犯下驅趕上帝子民離開敬拜上帝會堂,甚至於將上帝子民趕盡殺絕的錯誤,還沾沾自喜、自以為是。就像被主耶穌在大馬色光照落馬以前的掃羅一樣。求主幫助我,在立志事奉上帝的同時,也能夠小心避免掃羅所犯的錯誤。
題目: 你對於主耶穌在最後晚餐中與門徒這一段對話的內容有何感觸?
Jesus told his disciples to be courageous (Joh 14:27-29; 16: 1-4; 9-11). Although they would be faced with hardship and trials, they are not alone since He has won the final victory. If we remember Jesus has won through in the end, even when we’re in the deepest sorrow, we shall overcome because of the peace from Him.
回覆刪除How moving it is to hear Jesus said, “…And glory has come to me through them.” (Joh 17:10). Jesus didn’t owe the glory to himself but to His Father and His disciples. He treasures us so much. We all should try every effort to glorify Him by being witnesses.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除Thanks for your sharing and I enjoyed reading your postings. We missed Yuze again, hopefully this was not due to another episode of computer breaking down.... May our Lord protect and bless Yuze...
Apostle John used large proportion of his gospel to record the last week of our Lord Jesus, especially the last night, before he was arrested and crucified. Reading those last words of our Lord could help us to understand what was the most important concern of our Lord, which was the testimony of His disciples. Because the salvation of the whole world would be hung on their testimonies. Praise be to our Lord, though they were weak and frail, yet our Lord granted them enough grace to testify for the Lord, to spread the gospel to the end of the world, both geographically and chronologically...