W3 2009-08-05 (王上14:1-15:15)
經文: 列列王記上 14:13 以色列眾人必為他哀哭,將他葬埋。凡屬耶羅波安的人,惟有他得入墳墓;因為在耶羅波安的家中,只有他向耶和華以色列的神顯出善行。
默想: 主啊!死亡也可能成為上帝所賞賜的恩典,死亡不一定都是仇敵。耶羅波安的兒子亞比雅是家中唯一在神面前顯出善行的孩子,耶和華讓他安息,不必遭遇其他家人一樣的痛苦與凌辱。
題目: 你對亞撒一生的所作所為有何感想?
經文: 列列王記上 14:13 以色列眾人必為他哀哭,將他葬埋。凡屬耶羅波安的人,惟有他得入墳墓;因為在耶羅波安的家中,只有他向耶和華以色列的神顯出善行。
默想: 主啊!死亡也可能成為上帝所賞賜的恩典,死亡不一定都是仇敵。耶羅波安的兒子亞比雅是家中唯一在神面前顯出善行的孩子,耶和華讓他安息,不必遭遇其他家人一樣的痛苦與凌辱。
題目: 你對亞撒一生的所作所為有何感想?
Asa reformed by removing the detestable idols and repaired the altar of the Lord. He and his people sought God eagerly so there was no more war until the thirty fifth year of Asa’s reign.
回覆刪除During his last years, Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah, so he turned to Ben-Hadad instead of the Lord. What’s worse, he put Hanani the seer in prison because of the seer said something unpleasant to him.
When we are weak mentally, we should rely on the Lord. “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well (Jas 5:14-15).” Asa’s confidence was shaken in the end. What a pity!
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除King Asa had a very good start as a king, who followed the steps of king David. He destroyed the idols, had integrity before God, and offered golden utencils to the temple.
Unfortunately later on, when facing attacks from northern kingdom, he asked the help of Syrian king Ben-Hadad, instead of asking God's help. When prophet Hanani warned him, he refused to listen, even put the prophet into prison. He also abused his people, and when he suffered from some leg disease, he didn't ask for God's healing. ( 2 Chr. 16:7-13)
King Asa was like king Solomon, who started very well, but unfortunately finished not so well.