2010年11月7日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101109

Double Minded Man

W2  2010-11-09 (雅1:1 -2:26)

經文: 雅各書 1:9 卑微的弟兄升高,就該喜樂;富足的降卑,也該如此;因為他必要過去,如同草上的花一樣。
默想: 親愛的主啊!卑微的升高,漸入佳境,心存感恩而喜樂,這個我可以瞭解。但是,富足的降卑,則是每況愈下,為何也該喜樂呢?原來雅各是說,不論是升高或降卑,都是極為短暫的經歷,只要我們能夠祈求上帝,讓我們在各種處境與變化當中,學會無論在什麼境遇之下,都會知足與靠主而感恩,就可以學到人生的智慧。
題目: 你對於本段經文討論有關試探的教導有什麼看法呢?

3 則留言:

  1. It’s not easy to take every trial easy though sensibly I learn that blessed is the man who perseveres under trial. I’m mentally weak, so I confess that I am easily dragged away and enticed by my own evil desire, which gives birth to sin and the full-grown sin gives birth to death.

    Besides, I’m one of those who merely listen to the words of the Lord but don’t do what He says. May God strengthen my faith whenever I am tempted or under trial, withhold my anger and go for a righteous life. I hope the crown of life will be what I am worth receiving one day.

  2. 大家平安




    這段裡有二個不同的「試探」,12節的「忍受試探」,是trial、test of faith;而13節的「神不試探人」,是tempt,應該是「神不引人犯罪」的意思。

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    "God cannot be tempted with evil. " Sometime, we want to do something with evil and we will think this is a temptation from God. Actually, this is tempted by ourselous. We cannot shirk our responsibilty to God. God gives people the 100% free will and wants people to learn accoutability. However, the world always existed lot of temptations to impact our free will. May Lord help to be responsible for my life to follow your road.



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