2010年11月7日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101110

King Cyrus Wrote Decree to Rebuild The Temple

W3  2010-11-10 (拉5:1-6:22)

經文: 以斯拉記 6:10 好叫他們獻馨香的祭給天上的神,又為王和王眾子的壽命祈禱。

默想: 大利烏王在得到河西總督的上奏,報告有關以色列人重建聖殿的事之後,就查清楚來龍去脈,找到古列王下召,特准以色列人歸回並重建聖殿的歷史檔案之後,就下令給河西總督,不可再阻擾以色列人的重建聖殿,並且要供應他們重建與獻祭所需的經費。好讓以色列人可以獻祭敬拜耶和華,並且為王與王的眾子祈福。親愛的神,世界執政掌權者的心,在你的手中,好像隴溝的水隨意流轉。感謝神的掌權與恩典。

題目: 亞達薛西王下令禁止建殿,但是大利烏王又下令讓聖殿重建得以進行,你對此有何看法呢?

5 則留言:

  1. 大家平安


    「大利烏王降旨,要尋察典籍庫內...尋得一卷,其中記著說:『古列王元年,他降旨論到耶路撒冷 神的殿,要建造這殿為獻祭之處,堅立殿的根基。...經費要出於王庫。』」(6:1-3)



    當然,最主要的決定因素,是「因為耶和華使他們歡喜,又使亞述王的心轉向他們,堅固他們的手,作以色列 神殿的工程。」(6:22)正港ㄟ「謀事在人,成事在神」。


  2. The king of Artaxerxes was opposed to the rebuilding of the temple since he was afraid that there might be rebellions rising up in Jerusalem. Later, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah were involved in fostering the rebuilding work. However difficult the task was, the eyes of God over the elders of the Jews were not stopped.

    When king Darius’ ruling came, he issued an order not to stop the rebuilding of the temple based on the archives stored in the treasury at Babylon. How God will work is sometimes beyond our knowledge, but what can be sure is that He is always sheltering and leading His people in a caring manner.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    To rebuild the relationship with God is not easy for some people. They may give up because of the others comments. They also may retry because of the others testimonies. May Lord help me to be a good testimony for others to rebuild their relationship with you.


  4. 大家平安


    「大利烏王降旨,要尋察典籍庫內...尋得一卷,其中記著說:『古列王元年,他降旨論到耶路撒冷 神的殿,要建造這殿為獻祭之處,堅立殿的根基。...經費要出於王庫。』」(6:1-3)



    當然,最主要的決定因素,是「因為耶和華使他們歡喜,又使亞述王的心轉向他們,堅固他們的手,作以色列 神殿的工程。」(6:22)正港ㄟ「謀事在人,成事在神」。


  5. The king of Artaxerxes was opposed to the rebuilding of the temple since he was afraid that there might be rebellions rising up in Jerusalem. Later, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah were involved in fostering the rebuilding work. However difficult the task was, the eyes of God over the elders of the Jews were not stopped.

    When king Darius’ ruling came, he issued an order not to stop the rebuilding of the temple based on the archives stored in the treasury at Babylon. How God will work is sometimes beyond our knowledge, but what can be sure is that He is always sheltering and leading His people in a caring manner.


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