2010年11月13日 星期六

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101116

Tongue is a Fire

W2  2010-11-16 (雅3:1 -5:20)

經文: 雅各書 3:2 原來我們在許多事上都有過失;若有人在話語上沒有過失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。
默想: 求主保守我的口舌,不要讓我逞口舌之快,而傷害別人。求主讓我在智慧的善行與善言中,顯出如同主的溫柔一樣。
題目: 雅各說舌頭是個罪惡的世界,能污穢全身。你對此有何看法呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安

    「我們用舌頭頌讚那為主、為父的,又用舌頭咒詛那照著 神形像被造的人。頌讚和咒詛從一個口裡出來!我的弟兄們,這是不應當的!」(3:9-10)求主幫助我,能在日常生活中謹言慎行,而不只是在教會的時候"用口"敬畏神。

  2. The Lord wants us to tame our tongue. Though “it is a small part of the body, it makes great boasts”(Jas 3:5). “The tongue is a restless evil, full of deadly poison (3:8).
    But out of the same mouth also comes praise.

    The wisdom that comes from heaven is pure. I believe reading God’s words can help tame our tongue. But of course His words should be digested and applied in our daily lives.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    Sometimes, we always forgot the power of our tongue. We thought the tongue is the smallest part of our body and it could not hurt people like using our hands. Actually, the words from tongue can hurt people more than using knife. Because it can hurt ones heart and cannot be healed by others. If we cannot keep clean with our tongue, no body will think we are clean. May Lord help me to be careful to speak out each word from my tongue.


  4. 題目: 雅各說舌頭是個罪惡的世界,能污穢全身。你對此有何看法呢?
    Answer:1. 大致上同意 2. 作者用強調的手法來達到其目的:言語往往帶來巨大影響。大概作者教會有許多講嫌ㄚ話的人,驅使其作此提醒,且集中在負面作用。其實,話語的巨大力量也可表現在正面。今天的經節,給我ㄧ個極大盼望:


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