2010年12月14日 星期二

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101214

God is Light

W2  2010-12-14 (約壹1:1 -3:24)

經文: 約翰一書 1:1 論到從起初原有的生命之道,就是我們所聽見、所看見、親眼看過、親手摸過的。
默想: 使徒約翰領受上帝浩大的恩典,可以親眼看見、親耳聽見、親手摸到道成肉身的主耶穌基督。求神賞賜我類似的恩典,讓我也可以親自經歷、體驗主耶穌那無限的大愛,以及對我的生命所帶來的轉變。
題目: 約翰壹書一章所提到有關相交的教導,你有何看法呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安



    定義一:a feeling of friendship between people who do things together or share an interest 夥伴關係;友誼;交情

    定義二:an organized group of people who share an interest, aim or belief (具有共同利益、目的或信仰的)團體,協會,聯誼會


  2. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, the Lord may have fellowship with us. The word of life makes our joy complete, so we should study Bible and renew our spirits on a daily basis.

    God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. Thus, we cannot shun the punishment from our sin. I dare not say, “I know him” since I do not do whatever he commands. I have to admit that my spirit is weak though my flesh is willing. There must be a huge gap for Him to build up fellowship with me.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    To understand the fellowship with Jesus Christ is one critical turn point in the life. However, the difficulty is to do (walk), not to know (hear). Walking with Him in the light can keep this fellowship to change life. It is not easy for the sake of human free will. The world is in the dark and His road is in the light. The problem is to live in the world but the mind still keeps in the light. May Lord help me to keep your fellowship and reject the temptation of the world.


  4. 相交也叫團契,台語又叫交陪,在相交之前有兩個前提,首先是...我們乃是與父並他的兒子穌基督相交的,然後才是..我們將所看見所聽見的傳給你們,使你們與我們相交,可見,要能相交,彼此團契,一定是一同認識父與子,在這個根基上以愛心相對話.


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