2011年7月10日 星期日

全新樂活讀經默想 110712

Fellowship Offering

W2  2011-07-12 (利3)

經文: 利未記 3:1  人獻供物為平安祭(平安:或作酬恩;下同),若是從牛群中獻,無論是公的是母的,必用沒有殘疾的獻在耶和華面前。
默想: 燔祭是除了將皮剝掉以外,完全燒在祭壇上全部獻給耶和華的馨香火祭 (1:9)。素祭則是將一部份燒在祭壇上獻給耶和華作馨香火祭,其餘的歸給祭司們享用 (2:9-10)。平安祭則是腰子與脂油要完全燒在祭壇上獻給耶和華作馨香火祭 (3:4-5),搖的胸與舉的右腿則規給祭司享用 (7:34),其餘的部份則由獻祭者全家一起享用 (7:15-16)。平安祭是神於人之間真正相交 (communion) 的獻祭。
題目: 平安祭的特點是什麼?有何意義?

4 則留言:

  1. Fellowship offerings represent that Jesus is crucified for us to let us be friends again with the Lord and gain safety. Further, we would share that grace from the Lord to anyone.


  2. The Peace Offering was a voluntary offering. It was a sweet savour offering. If the offering was to be a fair picture of the perfection resident in Christ, the animal must be completely without flaw. The offering could be either the male or the female. The use of oil was prominent in the way the Peace Offering was celebrated. This is a reminder of what the Lord Jesus did in life and in death.

    These verses let us know that the value to God of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ is so great that the peace established by it can be fully enjoyed by all the different parties involved. The appropriate words that can describe Peace Offering are peace, prosperity, praise, fellowship, communion, and celebration.

  3. 對以色列百姓而言,獻平安祭的牲畜,必須沒有殘疾。包含(公羊或母羊,家禽等,但不用鳥類)獻祭者,須先將手放在祭物的頭上,宰殺它,然後祭司撒血在祭壇上。腰子與脂油要完全燒在祭壇上獻給神。搖的胸與舉的右腿則規給祭司享用,其餘的祭肉則由獻祭者全家,甚至窮人一起享用。平安祭是五祭中惟一獻祭者可以享受祭物,它是歡樂的祭,在獻完平安祭後,神和人共享(利七15-21)。神喜悅人們敬拜,享用祂的豐富。

    平安祭預表耶穌基督在十字架上流血,成就了和睦,叫我們與神和好(弗二14-16)。「因他受的刑罰,我們得平安。」(賽五十三5)。平安祭主要的意義是與神和好,以及與人和好,因此生活中有平安。這種平安包括和諧的關係與相交。因此,平安祭(Peace Offering)也稱為相交祭(Fellowship offering)。每逢我們領受聖餐時就是一個相交祭,是神與人之間真正相交 (communion) 的獻祭. 記念主所立救贖得生命的新約。每逢我們吃餅,領受主的生命,與主合而為一。喝這杯時,表示我們願意接受主寶血的潔淨,成為聖潔,常與主交通和弟兄姐妹交通,成為聖潔。

  4. 平安是一種和好關係的建立,在生活中實現神與人,人與人,人與萬物關係的和好,而這樣的工作卻是必須在這些不同關係上彼此同工。


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