2008年5月24日 星期六

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 080529

W4 2008-05-29 (16:1-17:16)

經文: 約伯記 16:5 但我必用口堅固你們,用嘴消解你們的憂愁。

默想: 主啊!當我所想要幫助的人無法聽進去我的勸告時,求你教導我,還能夠用口來支持他們,用同理心來減輕他們的憂愁。

題目: 在這段經文中,你是否看到約伯在苦難中的指望?

5 則留言:

  1. 《地啊,不要遮蓋我的血,不要阻擋我的哀求,現今,在天有我的見證 在上有我的中保。我的朋友譏誚我,我卻向神眼淚汪汪。願人得與神辯白,如同人與朋友辯白一樣。》

  2. 約伯說:...My intercessor is my friend as my eyes pour out tears to God.16:20


  3. 草戊尚土 牧師,平安:

    我若盼望陰間為我的房屋,若下榻在黑暗中,若對朽壞說:你是我的父;對蟲說:你是我的母親姊妹;這樣,我的指望在哪裡呢?我所指望的誰能看見呢?等到安息在塵土中,這指望必下到陰間的門閂那裡了。 (伯 17:13-17:16)




    卯同學 敬上

  4. 「因為再過幾年,我必走那往而不返之路」感覺約伯仍然盼望著未來,並且有好的期盼。


  5. Dear Pomelo,
    This was a very interesting point brought up by suffering Job, the concept of Mediator (中保), who could mediate between the sinner and the holy God....

    Dear JBC,
    Yeah, the precious mediator was the one who we would desperately need when we stood before the white judgment throne of God at the final day of the world.

    Dear Mou,
    The famous agonizing crying of Jesus Christ on the cross was very interesting. On one way, Jesus seemed to protest against God for forsaking him... But on the other hand, in Jesus' protest, we could still sense a even deeper trust and intimacy between Jesus and God... Jesus seemed to disbelieve that God would forsake him, and this deepest trust brought out such an outcry from Jesus' dying mouth... This was the spiritual sumo each one of us would experience when we went through huge pain and loss... We must first embrace our God before we could struggle against and with Him....

    Dear Eileen,
    Please refer to my comment to Mr. Mou....


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