2009年3月1日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090303

W2 2009-03-03 (路20:27-21:38)

經文: 路加福音 20:34-35

默想: 親愛的主,我們人類常常只能用今生今世的經驗與理性來推理揣摩來生永世的可能情況。這種外推法 (extrapolation) 的方法常常會產生推論錯誤的情況。求主幫助我,在做這種推論時,能夠報持謙卑、嘗試的態度 (humble and tentative attitude)。

題目: 你對主耶穌說在來世也不嫁也不娶的說法有什麼感想?

7 則留言:

  1. 大家平安

    "對主耶穌說在來世也不嫁也不娶的說法有什麼感想?" 我覺得...好棒喔! 在世上嫁娶,為要不孤單'有歸屬'繁衍後代...,這些在新天新地都不需要了阿!

    此外,耶穌特別提到"惟有算為配得那世界those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age...也不娶也不嫁"(35節);因為在主裡面的堅持,而沒有嫁娶的人,是非常值得敬佩'且為主所看重的!

  2. (Lu 20: 34-36) …”those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die…They are like God’s children,…”
    The everlasting life is what we should pursue. That’s probably why Jesus said He would never marry or be given in marriage because He is already in the eternal house in heaven, like an angel. That’s also what God promised us…

    In addition, Jesus did not intend to say they we couldn’t recognize our the other half in heaven, but to inform us that we should not assume the relationship would remain the same there. The relationship in this life is restricted by time, death, and sin. Though we have no idea what resurrected life is like, He promised that it must be different from the one we are living.

  3. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:

    我想這個題目用『來世』似乎有些不恰當,比較適合的說法應該是在 神的國度,或是在天堂,到了那裡就如同天使般,沒有死亡也無須嫁娶,但是這樣的世界是怎麼樣的世界呢?

    保羅在哥林多前書有這樣的記載:『我們現在所知道的有限,先知所講的也有限,等那完全的來到,這有限的必歸於無有了。』(林前13:9-10)For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comses, the imperfect disappears.

    我想或許用我們微薄的認知去了解這樣的世界並不合適,但是我很喜歡最後那句: but when perfection comses, the imperfect disappears. 這確實讓我對這樣的國度充滿著極大的盼望。


    卯同學 敬上

  4. 對於JBC的看法,非常阿們!尊敬與佩服那些為了上帝的國不娶嫁的弟兄姊妹;而有時他們還要承受從教會而來不婚的壓力與異樣的眼光,求主給格外的恩典。

  5. 有關復活之後,雖不嫁娶,但是否仍有男女之差別的討論方面。翻譯的不同,會影響聖經註釋者之詮釋。

  6. 一直不懂這段經文。但又覺得有點了解。可是又說不出來!

  7. Dear all, Peng An,
    Marriage was exclusive love and it seemed that in the coming age, there would be no more exclusion in our relationships.
    Concerning the relationship between male and female, I don't think that it should be waited until the age to come to enjoy the equal and mutual relationship. Based upon my understanding of Gal 3:28, all kinds of racial, social, and gender discriminations would be dismantled under the cross of Christ in this age.


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