2010年5月30日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100604

Daniel Interprets the Dream to Babylonian King

W5  2010-06-04 (但2:17-2:49)

經文: 但以理書 2:47 王對但以理說:你既能顯明這奧秘的事,你們的神誠然是萬神之神、萬王之主,又是顯明奧秘事的。
默想: 但以理在巴比倫王面前活出很美好的見證。他不只彰顯出特別的智慧,並且會把上帝應得的榮耀歸給上帝。以致於巴比倫王也承認耶和華是萬神之神、萬王之主。求主幫助我,在外邦人面前能夠活出每好的見證,讓人都尊神的名為聖。

3 則留言:

  1. 大家平安


  2. Daniel cared a lot about his companions. When the king was so angry that he ordered the execution of all the wise men of Babylon, Daniel volunteered to interpret the dream that had bombarded the king.

    With the strength from the Lord, he successfully got through the difficult situation and was placed in a high position. He requested the king to appoint the ones whom he knew very well, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as administrators (Da 2:49).

    A great leader knows when to share the power. Daniel relied on his companions not only to make them exert their potential but also to enhance his leadership.

  3. 看起來,但以理是這些愛主青年的領袖,他具有行動力--主動去詢問經過、與領導力--要求同心聯禱,且但以理似乎明白上帝的心意、並將要的有的作為--會啟示異象並拯救他們!3:16


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