2010年9月12日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100916

 Lonely Poor

W4  2010-09-16 (箴19:1-19:29)

經文: 箴言 19:1 行為純正的貧窮人勝過乖謬愚妄的富足人。
默想: 求主保守我的心思意念、言行舉止,在你的心目中是可以蒙你悅納,並且可以歸榮耀給你的。如果富足與乖謬愚妄有必然的關連,求主讓我一生貧窮。或許這是為什麼主耶穌在登山寶訓的八福當中,第一福是貧窮的人有福了,因為神的國是他們的 (路6:20)。
題目: 你對於本段經文中有關富足的教導,有何感想呢?

3 則留言:

  1. We should not weigh houses and wealth too much since they are inherited from parents. Instead, prudence is highly valued. Though a man may be poor, as long as his walk is blameless, he is able to be considered rich.

    That is, whether one is rich or not is not determined by the wealth but by the knowledge he has. Above all, whoever can listen to advice and accept instruction, he is wealthy in the eyes of the Lord.

  2. 大家平安


  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    "Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool."

    What is the definition of rich? more money? expensive house? or luxury life? I think the definition of rich is depend on your faith. From today's devotion, one poor man who walking in the integrity is better than the rich man. I think walking on Lord's road is not a way to be rich but a way to be better than rich.



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