2010年10月17日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101020

Three Groups of Return Trips

W3  2010-10-20 (拉1:1-2:63)  

經文: 以斯拉記 1:1 波斯王古列元年,耶和華為要應驗藉耶利米口所說的話,就激動波斯王古列的心,使他下詔通告全國說。

默想: 耶和華是人類歷史的主宰。耶和華不是只統治掌管他的選民以色列。波斯王古列是外邦人,並不是選民,但是,耶和華卻激動古列王的心,讓他詔告全國百姓,讓猶太人可以歸回鄉里,重建聖殿。感謝主,你是歷史的主宰。君王的心,在耶和華手中,好像隴溝的水隨意流轉。

題目: 你對於耶和華經由外邦人的手,來推動聖殿重建的聖工,有何看法呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安



  2. God calls King Cyrus of Persia by name before he is even born to serve Him (Isa 45:1-8). Though King Cyrus is not a Jews, he helps the exiles to return. He also brings out the articles belonging to the temple of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar has carried away from Jerusalem and has placed in the temple of his god.

    Everyone can be appreciated by the Lord to carry out His audacious plan.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    God is Good. Some great good things can be done by God but not only by Christian. It is not easy to understand the power of God by non-Christian. However, God still have the 100% power for those people to follow his will.


  4. 上帝掌權!雖然世界的王暫時是惡者,但上帝依舊在全地掌權。神的子民,可以全然倚靠主。


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