2010年10月17日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101021

Grown Over With Thorns and Covered With Nettles

W4  2010-10-21 (箴24:1-24:34)

經文: 箴言 24:16 因為,義人雖七次跌倒,仍必興起;惡人卻被禍患傾倒。

默想: 義人也會跌倒,而且七次跌倒。只是義人在跌倒之後,願意向神認罪悔改,再度被神興起,就像大衛王一樣。求主幫助我,在跌倒之後,會盡快向你認罪悔改,好經歷從跌倒中被你興起的恩典。

題目: 本段經文有那些有關我們與惡人相處原則的教導呢?

4 則留言:

  1. The Lord teaches us several principles of getting along with the wicked.

    “Do not envy wicked men; do not desire their company” (Pr 24:1).
    “Do not fret because of evil men…” (24:19).
    “…it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come upon them” (24:25).

    So we should know how to distinguish right from wrong regardless of the plausible evil influence that the wicked might exert on us. Besides, there is no need to envy the temporary smoothness of the wicked since they will be cursed and denounced.

  2. 大家平安



  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    We know it is easy become red when you are close to red. However, it is not easy to understand we are close to red because we think it is not red. The most terrible thing is we think we are not red after we already become red. May Lord help me to understand the difference between evil man and righteous man in our world. And may Lord help me to reject evil thing from evil man without doubt.


  4. [箴 24:29 不可說、人怎樣待我、我也怎樣待他、我必照他所行的報復他。]


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