2010年12月26日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101227

Don't Let The Poor Sleep Without His Pledge

W1 2010-12-27 (申24:1-25:19)

經文: 申命記 24:18 要記念你在埃及作過奴僕。耶和華你的神從那裡將你救贖,所以我吩咐你這樣行。



6 則留言:

  1. 題目:你對於本段經文中有關貧窮弱勢者應有的恩慈表現有什麼感想呢?

    ANS:Charity 是聖經很重要觀念。應用在現在稍微有點複雜。我認為基本上我們可以做的有二:1不用詭詐待人或欺負人 2待人厚道。至於主動幫助人,我主張要有智慧,譬如在鬧市看到路旁有外觀非常可憐的人,全身躺在地上乞討,或於餐廳吃飯進來賣文具的人,要不要幫助?我傾向不回應。

  2. 大家平安


  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    Empathy is one great gift for human being from God. We can try to think as we were at a different position to understand their feelings. However, we don’t want to use this gift because of our selfish. We think our position are better than others, especially better than poor guys. So, we cannot change our position to others. But I think how to treat poor guys can reflect his relationship with God. “Because you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. “


  4. The Lord orders that His people treat the less-privileged equally instead of regarding them as lazy or incapable. He also claims that we cannot take advantage of those who are poor and needy.

    Besides, when harvesting in the field, one should leave some for the alien, the fatherless, and the widow. Boaz followed the rule so Ruth could pick up the left-over grain for her and her mother-in-law (Ru 2:2).

  5. 照你從主那兒領受愛的程度來回應就好,絕不可勉強,甘心樂意,用愛來關心他們,就是最合宜的恩慈表現啦。

  6. 照你從主那兒領受愛的程度來回應就好,絕不可勉強,甘心樂意,用愛來關心他們,就是最合宜的恩慈表現啦。


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