2010年12月26日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101230

Two Are Better Than One

W4 2010-12-30 (傳4:1-4:16)

經文: 傳道書 4:1 我又轉念,見日光之下所行的一切欺壓。看哪,受欺壓的流淚,且無人安慰;欺壓他們的有勢力,也無人安慰他們。

默想: 受欺壓的流淚,真是需要有人安慰。但是欺壓人的有勢力,為何也需要人安慰呢?是否這些欺壓人的人的成長過程,也有因為被欺壓而留下尚未痊癒的傷痕呢? The oppressed oppressor syndrome 被欺壓的欺壓者症候群。求主耶穌憐憫所有的人,讓被欺壓的與欺壓人的,都能夠得到安慰與扶持,好讓欺壓的事從這個世界完全消失。

題目: 本段經文主張,兩個人總比一個人好,你對於這個有何看法呢?

5 則留言:

  1. The Lord highlights the importance of marriage so He is pleased to see each couple living happily and peacefully. Everyone is intended to share some part of his/her life with his/her soul mate instead of living in isolation from people.

    Regarding the service in church, we’d better work with a team rather than alone. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up”(Ec 4:9-10).

  2. Besides marriage relationship between a man and a woman, two is better than one. Question was when the oppressed one later became a oppressor still needs counselor?

    I guess anyone needs our Lord, our Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
    (Isaiah 9:6). Certianly, this includes the oppressed Oppressor symndrone grup.

  3. 大家平安



  4. 欺壓人的人(oppressor)或許會良心不安,或許不知道自己正在做惡,若有人能幫助他想改變(得救恩),他可能不會再去傷害他人了!

  5. Dear All, Peng An,

    "Two are better than one." I think the purpose is to implement the commandment from Lord, that he who loves God should love others also. To love others is not only love yourself, you have to life up the others if they fall. Love cannot be perfect when you are alone. Love needs to be shared with others. Because God is love.



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