Dear All, Peng An, I would agree with all of you that this was a tough theological musing. Judgment was a very interesting phenomenon. Judgment would imply the concept of justice, as well as the concept of responsibility. Responsibility would presume the one who was responsible own the capability of free will as well as moral judgmental ability. God would never judge against a mineral, a plant, or even an animal. God only judge against human beings, who were given the Imago Dei... Thus, judgment was a special grace from God to human beings...
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
我們在法院上看到的判決往往都是一家歡喜一家愁,很難有皆大歡喜又對法官再三感謝的。上帝對世人的審判看來有點不同,祂會讓世人為此感恩,因為這對每個人來說都是恩典。這樣的審判是怎樣的審判呢?我覺得可能有點像 26:17,是一種迎接新生命的審判,當孕婦臨產時她會感到痛苦難過,但等她看到她所得到的新生命,她必然會感謝這上帝的恩典。
卯同學 敬上
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除I would agree with all of you that this was a tough theological musing.
Judgment was a very interesting phenomenon. Judgment would imply the concept of justice, as well as the concept of responsibility.
Responsibility would presume the one who was responsible own the capability of free will as well as moral judgmental ability.
God would never judge against a mineral, a plant, or even an animal. God only judge against human beings, who were given the Imago Dei...
Thus, judgment was a special grace from God to human beings...