Dear JBC, Very interesting that you compare the life of Saul with that of David.
Dear Mou, Very interesting that you compare the life of Saul with that of yours.
Dear Yuze, Very intersting that you compare the life of Saul with that of his future life.
Very interesting that the three of you all did some comparison, yet the three of you did different kinds of comparisons. This was the joy of sharing our personal daily devotional meditations with one another. That sharing would enrich our observation and understanding of possible nuances and meanings of the Bible.
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
掃羅的揀選,剛開始是他父親丟了幾頭驢,在他找不到的時候,他的僕人告訴他或許可以請示先知撒母耳,當他起身去找撒母耳時,耶和華 便告訴撒母耳明天來找你的那個便雅憫人就是將來要膏為以色列的王。可是,這個時候掃羅還不知道 神的計畫,他懷疑撒母耳要膏他為王的用意,也懷疑自己是便雅憫人,是以色列中最小的支派(就像是美國的肯亞裔黑人吧),怎麼可以當以色列的王。
但是,耶和華為掃羅寫了一套劇本,在拉結墳墓會遇到路人甲和乙,在伯特利會遇到另外的路人丙、丁、戊,對白和道具都準備好了,再接著又在 神的山會碰到非利士防兵,然後又有一班先知來和掃羅彈琴擊鼓,最後,主角掃羅的重頭戲便是接受聖靈的感動而成為新人。
卯同學 敬上
Dear JBC,
回覆刪除Very interesting that you compare the life of Saul with that of David.
Dear Mou,
Very interesting that you compare the life of Saul with that of yours.
Dear Yuze,
Very intersting that you compare the life of Saul with that of his future life.
Very interesting that the three of you all did some comparison, yet the three of you did different kinds of comparisons. This was the joy of sharing our personal daily devotional meditations with one another. That sharing would enrich our observation and understanding of possible nuances and meanings of the Bible.