Dear all, Peng An, From Isaiah 66:1-5, I observed that the true worship 1. not based upon the extravagance of the physical temple. 2. was a heart that would be humble and self reflective and treating God's Words with reverence and awe. 3. be careful not to become a hypocrite, who only practice religious rituals that would induce the negative reaction from God. 4. be careful to listen to God's calling and to obey. 5. not discouraged by those who critisize us with contempt.
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
回覆刪除神眷顧的敬拜就如同主耶穌告訴撒瑪利亞婦人:『那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。 』(約4:23)
回到我自己身上,我覺得我有時把主日敬拜也當成一個祈福的聚會,就像今天經文裡那些假冒為善的人,儘管獻上羊羔與供物,但是回到家裡或是公司,我還是走自己的路,做 神所憎惡的事。敬拜只是為了祈求自己更多的利益,而不是虛心反省自己,領受主在敬拜裡給我的教導。
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除From Isaiah 66:1-5, I observed that the true worship
1. not based upon the extravagance of the physical temple.
2. was a heart that would be humble and self reflective and treating God's Words with reverence and awe.
3. be careful not to become a hypocrite, who only practice religious rituals that would induce the negative reaction from God.
4. be careful to listen to God's calling and to obey.
5. not discouraged by those who critisize us with contempt.