2009年5月17日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090520

W3 2009-05-20 (撒下24:1-24:25)

撒母耳記下 24:24

默想: 大衛王願意為了獻祭而付出代價,求主幫助我,願意付上當付的代價,把自己奉獻在你的面前,來服侍你

題目: 你對大衛王數點百姓的事件有何感想呢?

5 則留言:

  1. 大衛因為驕傲,而數點百姓,顯現自己國力強盛。似乎人的心思、眼目如果不專注定睛在神的榮耀上,就會看見彼此,就會覺得空虛,就會需要something來填滿一下,sometime自己也落在這種光景中,作了太多事,聽到太多正面的稱許,就不禁會覺得『自己還真不錯!』看看自己會這個、會那個、能處理這個、能處理那個……。這不就如大衛般數點自己的榮耀!在大衛那時有約押,在這時我有聖靈。約押的說的,大衛沒有聽進去,願聖靈的提醒,我能聽見,而且願意聽進去。

  2. 大家平安

    這段聖經有一些不了解的地方,"耶和華又向以色列人發怒,就激動大衛,使他吩咐人去數點以色列人和猶大人。"24:1 激動大衛,可以解釋成"許可大衛"嗎?


    有時候我也會做一些"蠢"事,求神幫助我能聽得到(如yuze's prayer)聖靈及旁人的提醒,並且願意修正,阿們!

  3. David was incited by Satan to take a census of Israel (1Ch 21:1), so he angered God. David counted the fighting men as a result of his vanity and arrogance. That’s why God sent a plague on Israel. Even Joab knew this was a wrongdoing, but David still did not accept the rectification.

    The turning point was when David got conscience-stricken. He said he would rather fall into the hands of the Lord but did not want to fall into the hands of men (2Sa 24:14). As David said, the God’s mercy was great. He forgave David and stopped the plague after an altar was built to worship Him.

    Even though David made several blunders in his life, he was regarded as a man whom God had sought out after His own heart (1Sa 13:14; Ac 13:22). That is to say, as long as a sinned person is willing to admit one’s guilt and repent, benevolent God is always opening His arms.

  4. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:


    還是覺得有點難了解的卯同學 敬上

  5. Dear All, Peng An,
    Human sinning was a very complicated event, which included misuse of human freedom [which would bring about the responsibility to face the consequence and penalty], Satan's temptation, and God's trial. So the distribution of the blame among the three parties was not an easy task. The story of the Fall of Adam and Eve, the story of the suffering of Job, The story of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas.....


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