2011年2月7日 星期一

全新樂活讀經默想 110207

The Servants of Isaac Dug A Well

W1  2011-02-07 (創26)

經文: 創世紀 26:22 以撒離開那裡,又挖了一口井,他們不為這井爭競了,他就給那井起名叫利河伯(就是寬闊的意思)。他說:「耶和華現在給我們寬闊之地,我們必在這地昌盛。」

默想: 以撒在亞比米勒的境內蒙耶和華祝福,收成百倍,成了大富戶。招致當地人民的嫉妒與排擠。他被驅逐出境之後,在郊區挖到井水,卻被當地人爭奪。以撒一再寬容讓步,一直到第三口井時,當地人民停止對他的井水的爭奪。以撒稱這口井為利河伯,就是寬闊的意思。真的是退三步海闊天空。求主幫助我,在遭遇嫉妒排擠時,會學習以撒的榜樣,退讓寬容,好得到耶和華更為豐盛的祝福。
題目: 2612-33 以撒成為「大富戶」的祝福與挑戰為何?他如何面對?你有何學習?

1 則留言:

  1. After Isaac became wealthy, the Philistines and Abim'elech envied him. Abim'elech even asked him to leave his land. Besides, the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen twice.

    Yet Isaac was not narrow-minded as those mean people. He dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of Abraham his father and showed gratitude to the Lord by saying, “…the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

    Getting prosperous is welcomed by most of the people, and it is also the right tme to test whether one is loyal and faithful to God.


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