2011年2月7日 星期一

全新樂活讀經默想 110211

Genetics in Genesis?

W5  2011-02-11 (創30)

經文: 創世紀 30:27 拉班對他說:「我若在你眼前蒙恩,請你仍與我同住,因為我已算定,耶和華賜福與我是為你的緣故」

默想: 雅各讓拉班親自體會到他因為雅各而蒙耶和華的祝福。求主幫助我,讓我也成為使我四周的人得蒙上帝祝福的人。

題目: 3025-43 雅各如何致富?你有何看法?

4 則留言:

  1. Dear All, Peng An,
    We are near the end of our three year daily devotion journey. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for all of you, who either post their personal daily devotion reflections on this 草戊尚土俱樂部, or jus surfing here once in a while in your submarine.
    May God continue to bless each and every one of you.
    HoPing church had started another daily devotion project, named LeHo Bible Reading, which would be synchronously for our children, youth, and adult. I would continue to post my personal daily devotion of this new LeHo Bible Reading. All of you are welcome to join me on the web.
    BTW, I would also hyperlink my devotional posting on my Facebook.

    Maotang at HoPing

  2. Jacob altered the genetic characteristics of cattle by letting them view a striped rod. His purpose in doing so was to trick Laban. The breeding of the stronger animals would of course produce stronger calves and lambs.

    Jacob put too much stock in his methods and too little trust in the blessings of the Lord. If he had not done this, the result might have been the same. God was blessing Jacob because He loved him and because he was due a just wage.

  3. 雅各如何致富?你有何看法?

  4. 雅各與拉結結婚後卻無法生育,反而是拉結的姊姊利亞和婢女悉帕為雅各生了眾多兒女,拉結歷經許多羞辱後,上帝顧念她而讓她懷孕,這個愛的結晶便是上帝所應許的後裔約瑟,約瑟出生後雅各便想回鄉立業,於是要求他舅舅拉班給他做工十四年來應得的工資,但是拉班卻要他再為他牧養羊群六年,六年後羊群中有花、有紋、有點的都歸雅各,當作是服事拉班二十年的代價(31:41)。



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