Dear all, There were two possible interpretation for Ariel, "There is some dispute as to if Ariel means Lion of God (the literal translation) or an altar for burning, which is a very similar word in Hebrew (used in passages like Ezekiel 43:15-16). If it is to be understood as an altar for burning, then the idea is that “The fighting and bloodshed around Jerusalem would make the city like a giant place of sacrifice.” (Wolf) But, considering the context as a whole, it is best to see Ariel with its literal meaning - Lion of God." [Commentary by David Guzik] I loved the interpretation of YuTz, "I still called her Ariel", as faithful and persistent love from God to Israel, even after her stumbling fall from her spiritual pride and empty ritualism.
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
聖殿應該是神祝福的地方,為何還會遭到審判,我想就如 JBC 姐所說,因為那裡的靈已經沈睡,百姓們沈醉於物質享樂,只是用嘴唇來敬拜主,心裡卻遠離神。
Dear all,
回覆刪除There were two possible interpretation for Ariel,
"There is some dispute as to if Ariel means Lion of God (the literal translation) or an altar for burning, which is a very similar word in Hebrew (used in passages like Ezekiel 43:15-16). If it is to be understood as an altar for burning, then the idea is that “The fighting and bloodshed around Jerusalem would make the city like a giant place of sacrifice.” (Wolf) But, considering the context as a whole, it is best to see Ariel with its literal meaning - Lion of God." [Commentary by David Guzik]
I loved the interpretation of YuTz, "I still called her Ariel", as faithful and persistent love from God to Israel, even after her stumbling fall from her spiritual pride and empty ritualism.